Sunday, 20.12.2009: bottom..

20 Dec

Today’s goal was to join La Senera (108km and 600 pos meter). Karsten from Germany which I met after some 10km had more luck as he had ride with wind. As he is "finishing" his trip from Mexico over the Andes and Argentina in Santiago and will join his wife, he speeds up to be there for Xmas. Luckily his…and what power to ride so long trips and so fast!

When I see my 15-17km/h, I nearly get frustrated. Even more when I listen to my bottom who do not want to sit anymore. The extrawheel do not allow much, so standing too.

But it is nice to meet again someone and exchange short new or tips and tricks. Seems that all of us do have similar learnings!

Thank you Karsten very much for the pepper spray: I nearly had to use it for a dog which was looking for my legs. I could not accelerate to much, but was just fast enough.

Have a look at his site (with music) under:

I am eating something and take a shower…and be fast with my Franziska in the dreams :-)) Luckily, one do not smell in dreams: that home made hot sauce has nicely onion and garlic, but is soo good!

Cheers, Georges

One Reply to “Sunday, 20.12.2009: bottom..”

  1. Hola G.
    scheint ja auf und ab zu gehen. Ich wünsch Dir auf jeden Fall mehr "auf" statt "ab" (ich meine nicht die Höhenmeter).
    Ohren steif halten!…ist auch gut bei Rückenwind 😉

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