After lunch and some kilometres, I took the road in direction of the north. As the wind has started to change, it was still not in my favour.
I had thought some minutes if it was worth to cycle the 25km "just" to see a waterfall…
In fact, there more than one. I went first to the second, called Dettifoss and then to Selfoss, the first on the river. In my humble opinion: they all are nice, Hafragilsfoss being my favourite before Dettifoss…
And then, with a happy smile and with some tail/side wind I cycled back to the road Nr 1.
I wanted to join the road to the highlands. With much luck, I met the driver of a "super-Jeep" who told me that the water of one river to be crossed was hips deep…about 1m… That was to much for me. The guy told me I could do it but would recommend the F910 instead of that bad F88…
About 2km before the bridge over the River Jökulsa á Fjöllum I found a hopefully nice place (500m away from the nr 1) to put the tent.
Good night!