Longest day…

25 Jun

Today, when I started into the day, I had no idea which way and how far to go. The weather seems to be nice, the wind coming from south. I made my decision to take the “hill”, which came out not to be as high as I though.
I must say, the cycling paths around Bebra are far not as good as the one seen up to now. So I had more to search for the right way. At a point, it joined the main road, on which I stayed until Sontra.
Beside one minor “very-close-by” when a car passed only few cm beside me, even he had to lane to overtook , everything was nice.
After Sontra, I met Erhard, a retiree who like to cycle through Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We started the discussion through a little misunderstanding from my side which we then solved. The following discussion was as well very interesting to see, how he had lived the time before end of the eighties when the wall fell. As we crossed for a few kilometre as well Thüringen, I was for a while cycling in “former East-Germany”. Of course, you don’t see anything but a signe mentioning the existence of the border in the past.
The sky started to darken and my stomach (or my energy level) were signalising time for lunch. Nearly just in time as we did get quite wet. And of course, after lunch, the weather was dry again. Do you think I am lucky? Even more… As the last day, the clouds were surrounding me but really barely wanted to drain me: they were more or less turning around me.
Then, after around 40km together, Erhard had to cycle to the east while I was heading north. He knew that my cousin, and the journey were expecting me to go north, but he invited me frankly to stay at his home…
So after leaving I had another break at 15h because rain and could eat again some sweets. I visited Göttingen as I was passing… as I was expected at my cousins home some 30km away.
Finally, I made it…quite exhausted.

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