We didn’t know if the weather would be rainy or not…. but we knew: cold and head wind.
We started at 8°C and with some drops…
The first 10km where on something like a highway… not very nice…but without alternative
The road then was going up and down quite often… with many alternating smells, the disgusting being burnt plastic or coal heater, dead animal and old truck/car exhaust.
Here and there, people sell their own production.
A cilo and fire….
Rain, stay there!
Crossing a national parc, reducing the head wind. And since long time under three again…
Here and there, some Romanian houses have really nice flowers or garden. One of the differences seen to the Bulgarian Danube side…
View from the Romanian higher land above the the Danube-plain:
Left a fishing lake, which remained when the dune were formed, and a climbing to get back on the dune again:
Resting place before arriving: old, traditional farmer, with happy animals:
Last climbing before arriving: we were first thinking it would be the Danube, but it is “only” a side channel, that looks like more or less like a miss lucked project, and the bridge wasn’t removed.
And the first signs of the first destination: