The shelters were of good help: the tent stayed dried. On the other hand: the young guys kept the fire on and I was nicely smoked after the night.
When I woke up, there was a nice sunny sky, at least from where I could see. After cooking coffee and eating the three last piece of bread (I had omit to buy food / clever me) the weather changed back to little rain again. But by the moment I left, it was dry.
Unfortunately, a picture I had not expected just after few km. Well… how to say… the road was meaning headwind. Therefore I decided to be slower and collect garbage as a “thank you” for the shelter night. I couldn’t foresee what that sign could mean… so I took a picture to google it later. Passing below the highway And finally a place to dump all the collected garbage: mainly cigarettes boxes, aluminium cans, coffee mugs… and a wet rope from a truck, a computer case closing, and some sagex. I dropped it in the bin, and could wash my hand and gloves at the mobile WC with soap and fresh water. 🙂It seems the good deeds weren’t over: a man with reduced visibility (using a stick) was wanting to cross the road and just walked from the other side, even the signal wasn’t green (with the corresponding sound). So I blocked the road with the bycycle ans trailer. Quite useful to be over 3m long 😉 Anyway… I could finally buy some food for the next days. 🙂Esbjerg is a nice town… with interesting lighting system. Church was closed…So I followed the sound from where the music came…Nice pedestrian zone. Until I came to the harbour and understood what the tall ships were: a race starting this year in Esbjerg then to Harlingen, NL, Antwerp (B) and back to Denmark Aalborg Remarkable…Or amazing…942 tons!!Crew paradeWe were there few days ago!Some working, some relaxing? 😉I could have stayed there veeery long… but after 2h, I wanted to get out of the town and find a place to sleep. But I saw another part of the hafen. For once a ship wreck yard. Then an oil platform that was back from the Nordsee for service. Quite amazing: it can rise and lower on those “legs”. And when they are all up, the “ship” can be pulled/pushed. A huge ship with crane : Esbjerg has a good industry of water windmills which need a special equipment to place them in the Nord sea The smaller luxury harbour towards north west. And the wind being back…Long beach with statues at the end of Esbjerg. And back on the road fighting the wind. Seems to be cool sport: football minigolf! 🙂New commune… 🙂And after a long fight: I decided to stop the day with a view on the rising sea of the Wattenmeer. Ready to eat 🙂
Nearly high tide at 20:45 (about 30min) before.
And ending the day with a truck repairer from the Esbjerg harbour who drove by and wanted to enjoy as well the view. What a day, I am thanksfull! Just missing my love xxx