Since we knew we had a long day, we needed some extra power in the morning. We cycled along the Rhine with the high floods protection. As well by some bridges Not exactly 600km from Constance… and some more in our legs. With nice views to the other side as well of the river. Some mixed colours I don’t see well :o)Strange name for a boat… omen? 😉Bridges becoming longer…And a lot of industry along the Rhine. Not only chemistry but as well car industry like here producer near Ford. And then on the go a nice surprise, after we had discovered that the (man made) biggest cold geysir could only be seen by boat and take more than 2-3h to visit. In the early 1900, people had drilled over 300m deep and breached through different layer. Some with water, other water resistant clay. Somehow, the water gets rich in salt and carbon dioxide which creates over pressure and pushes the supernatant cold water above out. https://www.geysir-andernach.dePfffff I would have to drink way too much ;o)And the day continued with castles and churches Did we land in Austria?;-)From the famous US movie the Bridge of Remagen…Basalt stones(?)Entering Bonn: getting ready for the summer season…and making the parks readyBoats party… or day love boat reloaded? 😉Birthplace of Mr Beethoven himself…The beast….We did anothe milestone 🙂After Bonn the industry starts again..Big amount is transported between the sites and to the ships With some beaches in between The goal was reached: 105km to (just before) KölnAnd the best surprise: some free beers from an admirer of the bike 😀