Well… after the nice resting and sunny days of the last weeks: today started with a grey rainy day…
The former inland sea of EckernfördeAnd a cycling lane in the forest. Due to the weather, we decided to by-pass Schleswig and cycle towards the first Ferry. What a nice surprise of an alternative mechanism: no propeller!The Schlei RiverWe could start hoping for less rain… we’ll.. less doesn’t mean no rain. It wasn’t that bad. Old farmhouse as a museum from the 18th century And many other traditional housesWith sometimes view to the Schlei. I guess we had expected something different because it was meant to be a natural parc. Many villages ending by “by”And some more grey in grey. Just before lunch: we had the confirmation: there is still light at the end of the tunnel. Light at both ends of the tunnel :/)Little detour over the lac Constance? 😉Road works to replace the bridge that’s shared between train and cars. Very special way of lifting the bridge to let the ships got through!Cycling and driving on the tracks. Very slippery when wet. And the train needed room. The cute village of Arnis. What a luck that Bellona had the good idea to have a look at it. Cute Main Street (well.. there aren’t many more)And some with some digestive issue? ;o)
And then the real luck and gem of the day: the Schiffer Church What a surprise Believe is winning And many ships hanging in the church. I guess I would have get there way often as a child. Greetings from VanGogh?Even third class!?Great thing: mobile breast analysis truck… well… My hands would do that too and I am cycling around as well;-))Arriving in Kappeln with another movable bridge. Greetings to someone special 😉Remake?Bon appétit!