After a bad night: I started to understand. There must have been an accident. The firemen came with big light on the other side of the Rhône. In the morning the police was there too. Sion’s castle..Don’t build wall, build bridges? Massive concrete with many reinforcements. The dishes above Sierra…Up there: snowing and dark clouds. A cyclist’s dream: a bicycle lane as wide as a Highway 邏Cows… snow covered mountains and in between: big construction site for LonzaThe Swiss Alps… 路♂️And a few 100m further…DaBrim… DaSwim The former Trainline before the Lötschbergtunnel…Quite deep there Coming from there. Including a little detour because one road was closed 🙁First rain……only for 5km Supper
And the best luck: allowed to put the tent on a dry place 拾